Saturday 31 August 2013

The sociable restaurateur

Lured to the Nazar Börek restaurant by the thought of gözleme (savoury pancakes), I can't find them on the menu. I choose instead a main course of saҫ tava, a metal plate of fried, diced meat, peppers and garlic with fresh tomato and parsley, suspended over flames. The food is excellent. The red wine is as smooth and elegant as its name.

At first, I am the only customer in the small, unassuming arched interior, but a couple arrive, soon followed by a handsome group of young French men and women.  Reverse baseball capped man spots my flaming, sizzling plate and presents a questioning thumbs up. I respond with an affirming thumb, though some authoritative sources assert that this would have meant a swift despatch for the gladiatorially defeated in ancient Rome.

The owner, Refik, fluent in several languages, takes time to chat about the local wine. He reveals his plan for another restaurant with a different style, but this is perfect for me this evening.

The music varies from traditional Turkish to hip and cool French tracks for his other guests. Dancing and drumming is required.

Click on the link:


  1. Love the dancing - bravo! - did you join in, and raise your arms over your head?!

  2. Someone had to take the pictures.
